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 Special Christmas Gift Jar - Free Christmas Project Pattern

Free Christmas Project Pattern - Special Christmas Gift Jar
Free Christmas Project Pattern - Special Christmas Gift Jar


Contributed by From our Files


We all have decorator jars sitting around. With a little bit of effort you can turn your jar into a holiday gift. Perfect to use as a Christmas decoration, holiday candy jar, or as a gift for teacher, fellow worker, classmate or friend.

If you make this project please share your photos with us. If we use them on our website or on Facebook you will get 10% off of your next order over $25!

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Materials Needed:


Measure circumference of jar. Cut flair string in equal lengths. Length is determined by height of jar and personal preference. Our pieces each contain 7 flair beads. Cut enough pieces to place 1/2" apart around jar.

Place a dot of hot glue near the top of the jar (not the lid), where the ribbon will be placed so that the top of the flair string is covered. Place flair string into the hot glue dot. Glue each flair bead string piece approximately 1/2" apart around the jar.

Next, cut ribbon slightly longer than needed to go around your jar. Put a dot of hot glue in an area that is least likely to be noticed (ours is under the latch.) and apply the ribbon. Wrap the ribbon around the jar and secure periodically around with hot glue. Fold ned of ribbon under and glue in same place as you began.

Squeeze a line of craft glue around on the jar lid and apply the fiberfill to create a thin layer of  "snow" on top. Be sure that your fiberfill extends out to the edge of the lid where the tinsel stem will go. Cut hanger string off of 3 tiny gift packages. Using hot glue apply a dot to the bottom of each package and stick to the lid.

Wrap the tinsel stem around the jar to give it the circular shape it needs. Put a dot of hot glue on the outside edge of the jar lid. Press one end of tinsel stem into glue. When cooled guide the tinsel stem around the edge, securing with hot glue as needed until you have edged the entire top. Trim any excess tinsel stem.

Fill with Christmas candies.


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