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 Free Christmas Project Pattern - Festive Potpourri Display

Nothing sets the festive mood faster than familiar fragrant Christmas smells. Create an attractive decoration that will let you spread the smell of Christmas all over your home and look great in every room.

If you make this project please share your photos with us. If we use them on our website or on Facebook you will get 10% off of your next order over $25!

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Materials Needed:


Unpack, unravel and test christmas light strand. Check for bad wiring and unlit bulbs before assembling project.

Begin layering potpourri and lights into bowl. Continue until bowl is full and lights are all inside the bowl. All lights do not have to be visible because the warmth of the lights are what help emit the fragrance.

Test fit doily to top of bowl and weave the ribbon in and out of the first row of the doily that is under the rim of the bowl.

Add doily to bowl and tie snugly with a knot under the rim. Fashion a bow at the knot then thread one bell onto each end of the ribbon. Slide bell up to the bow.

Set anywhere, turn lights on, and enjoy the fragrance and the compliments!

Please Read: Won't you please consider supporting this free pattern by clicking on one of the ads shown on this page. Any revenue generated helps pay for the costs of providing you with more patterns! Its a win, win situation for us all! We sincerely thank you!
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