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 Free Holiday Craft Pattern - Holly and Snowmen Christmas Candles

Simple Candle Enhancements - Free Christmas Craft Project Instructions
Simple Candle Enhancements - Free Christmas Craft Project Instructions


Contributed by Pam Stryker


Change the mood of your candles to fit the occasion! Consider using flat back miniatures, sequins, rhinestones, small ribbon flowers, sea shells, ribbon, sequin trim and any other small objects that you can think of to transform your plain candle into something spectacular.
Make every holiday candle special. It is simple and quick to transform any candle into one that is a one-of-a-kind eye catcher.

If you make this project please share your photos with us. If we use them on our website or on Facebook you will get 10% off of your next order over $25!

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Materials Needed:


Cut gold hanger cord off of snowmen ornaments. Test fit snowmen on candle until you are pleased with their positions and glue into place.

Consider using hot glue if you would like your ornament piece to fall off when the candle burns down to that point.

Please Read: Won't you please consider supporting this free pattern by clicking on one of the ads shown on this page. Any revenue generated helps pay for the costs of providing you with more patterns! Its a win, win situation for us all! We sincerely thank you!
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