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 Fun & Funky Tote Bag - Free Craft Project Instructions

Fun & Funky Tote Bag
Fun & Funky Tote Bag


Contributed by Amanda Formaro, with permission


Has your daughter outgrown her ribbons and lace and has long since ditched the princess decorations in her bedroom? Make this fun and funky tote bag for her sleepovers, dance class accessories, or even homework!

If you make this project please share your photos with us. If we use them on our website or on Facebook you will get 10% off of your next order over $25!

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Materials Needed:
  • 1 Canvas Tote Bag
  • Small amounts of material in your choice of colors and patterns (we chose fun animal prints and polka dots)
  • Sheets of felt, in your choice of colors that coordinate with your fabric choices.
  • Pinking Shears
  • Wax Paper
  • Sponge applicator or paint brush
  • Aleene's "Ok To Wash It" Permanent Fabric Glue
  • Other Decorating Ideas:


Lay tote bag out flat onto your work surface. Insert sheets of wax paper inside the tote bag. This will act as a barrier between the fabric glue and the other side of the tote bag.

Hint: We inserted a wood cutting board wrapped in wax paper to give us a more solid surface to work on.

Using pinking shears, cut out different sized squares of fabric and felt. We also cut out hearts, you can choose any shape you like, but hearts and squares are the easiest.

Using pinking shears, cut out different sized squares of fabric and felt. We also cut out hearts, you can choose any shape you like, but hearts and squares are the easiest.

The fabric glue takes a while to dry, so set your bag aside where it will not be disturbed, for at least a few hours, preferably over night. That's it!

Please Read: Won't you please consider supporting this free pattern by clicking on one of the ads shown on this page. Any revenue generated helps pay for the costs of providing you with more patterns! Its a win, win situation for us all! We sincerely thank you!
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